Wednesday, April 06, 2005

No More Pope Posts (unless something really cool happens)

Ok, I give: DovBear is reader-responsive.

But, seriously folks, what else is happening in the world? I mean besides this:

Borough Park Journal: A Battle for Succession Takes No Holiday

Wait, wait, wait. The Bobover Rebbe was sort of a pope... infallible... unquestioned... dope clothing... legions of admirers around the world... fantastic wealth... an opulent Cathedral-type building... a fundamentalist Weltanschauung... is it ok with you if I write about him, and the struggle surrounding his succession? Or, will you whine and complain about that, too?

Anyway, I have to hand it to the people I'm not writing about anymore. They sure know how to manage a transition.

Too bad, Bobovers don't have conclaves, too.

(Did ya’ll noticed I spelled Weltanschauung correctly? Get it up for me.)